Unpaid Overtime Claims Against Intercontinental Capital Group

Craig J Curwood
Butler Curwood, PLC
w: www.butlercurwood.com
e: craig@butlercurwood.com
a: 140 Virginia Street, Suite 302, Richmond, VA 23219
Admitted in VA
Timothy Coffield
Coffield PLC
w: www.coffieldlaw.com
e: tc@coffieldlaw.com
a: 106-F Melbourne Park Circle, Charlottesville, VA 22901
Admittted in NC and VA

December 20, 2021

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Re: Unpaid Overtime Claims Against Intercontinuental Capital Group

Dear ICG Loan Officers,

We are investigating and handling unpaid overtime claims against Intercontinental Capital Group, Inc. (“ICG”) on behalf of Loan Officers, Loan Originators, Loan Processers, Closers, and similar job titles (“Loan Officers”).

We understand that you are or were employed by ICG.

We believe that ICG may have violated the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) by omitting commissions and bonuses from its calculations of overtime pay rates paid to Loan Officers for overtime hours they worked (hours over 40 in a workweek).

The FLSA requires that overtime be paid at a rate equal to 1.5 times the employee’s regular pay rate each week. The FLSA requires that commissions, non-discretionary bonuses, and similar sources of compensation be included in overtime pay rates. We understand that ICG may have violated the FLSA by using a base hourly pay rate (typically $10 to $15 per hour) to calculate overtime pay rates, while omitting commissions and bonuses from overtime pay. This results in workers not receiving the full overtime pay they have earned. For positions like Loan Officers where commissions are a big part of compensation, the losses can be substantial. If you have a claim under the FLSA, in addition to compensation for the unpaid overtime pay, you may be entitled to additional compensation called liquidated damages.

We are investigating and pursuing claims in court and arbitration to recover unpaid overtime for current and former employees of ICG.

If you work or worked for ICG, in North Carolina or Virginia, in the above-listed positions or a similar position, and you would like further information regarding our investigation and to possibly make a claim in court or arbitration for overtime pay, complete the below Overtime Claim Investigation Request Form. Once we receive the completed Overtime Claim Investigation Request Form from you, we will contact you to further our investigation of your claims and to determine if a claim may be filed.

For more information, you can contact Tim Coffield at or tc@coffieldlaw.com, or Craig Curwood or Zev Antell at or icg@butlercurwood.com. You may also visit www.coffieldlaw.com or www.butlercurwood.com for information.


Craig Curwood, Butler Curwood PLC, and Tim Coffield, Coffield PLC

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Intercontinental Capital Group
Overtime Claim Investigation Request Form

1. I request a confidential investigation into whether I can make a claim or become a party plaintiff under the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. § 201, et seq. against my current/former employer, Intercontinental Capital Group (“Defendant”) and any other related entities or affiliates, to recover overtime pay.

2. During the past three years, there were times when I worked over 40 hours per week for Defendant

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